
Multiple ID Issues


Work Project




  • AWS
  • Serverless Framework

The Problem

When creating this API endpoint, I ran into a bunch of issues. They broke down into two issues:

  • The body HTTP event was passing in as null for the API calls
  • I was getting a resource not found error when calling the endpoint.

The Process

  • After coding up the logic, I sent some test user IDs over the API endpoint. I got errors saying that the window object was not defined. Which made no sense since nothing was using a window object
  • Continued testing until I figured out there was a weird import reaching out to something in the node_modules directory. Got rid of that.
  • Then noticed when sending stuff through the API I was getting a destructuring error. Looking through the code, I realized that I was using the a function we have for getting parameters out of URLs. I needed the function for getting information out of the JSON body of the message.
  • I was still getting those odd destructuring errors. So I put a console.log() message in the logic so I can see the request coming in. It turns out that the body of the HTTP message was coming up as null.
  • Turns out that serverless framework, for what reason I do not know, doesn’t accept body payloads for GET HTTP methods.
  • I looked forever for a solution until I finally gave up (as I spent at least two hours researching) and just switched it to POST.
  • So, after just focusing on getting everything working using a method I know works, I started getting errors from AWS saying the “resource was not found”
  • So I took a look at the spec for the batchGet() function I was using from the AWS SDK.
  • They put the table names into the RequestedItems block for that function. So I put a string in there for the table name and was able to get the records back.


Final code looked like this:

const readMultipleUsers = async ({usersTableName, docClient, Ids}) => {
  const rtnUsers = [];

  // Set up query params
  const usrKeys = [];
  Ids.map((id) => {
    usrKeys.push({"id": id});

  const res = await docClient
    RequestItems: {
      [usersTableName]: {
        Keys: usrKeys,

  res.Responses[usersTableName].forEach((item) => rtnUsers.push(item));

  return rtnUsers;
