
Fixing Errors In Project In VSCode






  • VSCode

The Problem

When I started I first set up my development environment by cloning the project and building it. Everything seemed to work as the project built without errors but I would see multiple issues with VSCode saying that imports could not be resolved; which cascaded down to other errors. It seems like VSCode did not know how to read the project.

The Process

  • I began by looking through the import errors. Each one was similiar saying that VSCode could not resolve the packages which were being imported into basically every typescript file.
    • So I started Googling answers and they all has similiar solutions which were to run a yarn install or npm install to install the main packages. However, this made little sense as the setup file did all this with the help of asdf, which helps manage all the needed packages on a per project basis, and direnv, which sets up needed environment variables as well as other stuff.
  • After that I went through and tried to understand where all the various packages are kept.
    • This project uses a monorepo architecture with scoped packages so everything is in this repo and VSCode should be able to find it.
  • I then tried running yarn to make sure all the packages are installed, and it ran without issues.
  • After a bit of searching, I discovered the project had a .vscode directory with files for things like settings and suggested extensions for VSCode. I did not know what this was, so I did some digging and found these were workspace settings that you can commit to your GitHub repo so that settings can be consistent for your project when people clone them. This was my answer.
    • I got that but did not know how to apply these settings to this project locally. So I did some Googling and could not find an answer. So I tried looking in the settings for a way to import those settings. Did not find anything
    • Just so happens I found the answer by doing my usuall workflow of opening the project directory directory in VSCode rather than just opening my Dev directory and going to the project directory. So that I can have the project directory in the right click menu for the icon and open it directly.
    • If you open a project with a .vscode directory at the root, VSCode will apply those workspace settings and prompt you to install any suggested extensions.


Workspace settings where the answer here.

If you open a project with a .vscode directory at the root, VSCode will apply those workspace settings and prompt you to install any suggested extensions.

I did that and all the underlined errors went away.
