
Basic Terraform Commands

  • terraform init - Initialize Terraform directory. Should be run when you first setup a new Terraform file or pull a new Terraform directory. This will download and install the needed providers.

  • terraform fmt - Automatically formats your Terraform files.

  • terraform validate - Looks at file and verifies that syntax is correct and verifies that the set up is internally consistent.

  • terraform plan - Checks current state and compares it to any change in the Terraform configuration and prints out the proposed changes. Allows you to view changes before applying them.

  • terraform apply - Applies the configuration. Shows you the proposed changes and asks you to verify that those changes are what you want.

  • terraform show - Shows you the output of the terraform.tfstate file. The state is how Terraform keeps track of what it is managing.

  • terraform state list - Lists all the resources in the Terraform state.

  • terraform destroy - Terminates the resources that Terraform is managing in it's state.
