
Building Context into Docker Compose



  • When creating a Docker Compose setup you can set set the context for building each node.

  • Context, in this case, is setting the docker-compose.yml a place to look for a Dockerfile. So if I have multiple nodes each building a different way, I can create a Dockerfile for each one and store it at the root of the project subdirectory. I can set the context within the node's options to look in that directory for a Dockerfile and build the image for it there.

  • Tha's not the only way to create a different image for each node, but it's one way to do it.


Version: 3
      context: ./dir/webapproot
      dockerfile: DockerFile

In the above example we set the context and the name of the Dockerfile. Setting the context should be enough as Docker will always search for a file named Dockerfile but if you name a Dockerfile something else you can specify that here in the dockerfile option.
